Our Constitution
Friends of Parklands
Name of Organisation
The name of the Group shall be “Friends of Parklands”, hereinafter also called “The Group”.
Aims of the Group.
The aims of The Group (working in liaison with Havering Parks Service) are to:-
- Encourage pride in Parklands through increased community involvement and use of its facilities
- Improve the amenities and green space environment within Parklands, including the promotion of ideas for improvement, to provide a pleasant and safe environment for the community.
- Promote a greater understanding of the wildlife, trees, and the history of Parklands
- Arrange sponsorship and fund raising as appropriate to support these aims
- Promote and increase membership of the Group
Executive Committee
- An Executive Committee shall be elected to carry out the business of The Group
- The committee shall be made up of a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Working Party Organiser, and IT Co-ordinator. (see Appendix 1)
- Only members of The Group aged 18 years and over shall be eligible to serve on the committee. All members of the committee must use Parklands and support the aims of The Group
- The committee is to be elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM), or by an email ballot of all members.
- All nominations for committee posts must be proposed and seconded before being put forward for election
- The committee shall meet as and when required. Minutes of the meetings are to be made available to all Group members.
- The committee shall have the power to co-opt other members of the Group to provide specific expertise or to fill any vacancy arising from death, disqualification or resignation.
- All committee members shall hold their post until the conclusion of the next AGM, and shall be eligible for re-election
Membership of The Group shall be open to :-
- Any individuals aged 16 years and over who use Parklands and support the aims of The Group
- Each member will have one voting right, subject to being a member for a minimum period of 2 months
- Each member (or 2 joint members living in the same household) is required to pay an annual subscription of £5 each calendar year. The subscription becomes due on 1 January each year. A reminder will be sent by the treasurer, but any member who has not paid their subscription by 31 March of that year will forfeit their membership. This will not preclude them from re-joining at a later date.
- Clubs, groups and societies which use Parklands and who are interested in supporting The Group's aims may each appoint an elected person to become a member to represent their interests. That person will have a voting right at any AGM
- Representatives from statutory bodies who may be invited to Committee Meetings or the AGM will have no voting rights.
- New members can join at any time by contacting the treasurer and paying the annual subscription. The Group will be advertised through its website, by leaflet hand outs and the Residents Association Bulletin
Termination of Membership
The Committee shall have the right to exclude any individual from The Group, (including committee members) who do not support the aims of The Group and / or bring The Group into disrepute. Providing that the member shall have their case considered by the committee before any decision is made. There is no appeal following a final decision.
Any member of The Group may resign their membership by giving written notice to the secretary.
Equal Opportunities
The Group is committed to equal opportunities in all its dealings with the membership and the community, and rejects all forms of discrimination.
- All money raised by or on behalf of The Group is to be used solely to further The Group's aims.
- A bank account shall be opened in the name of The Friends of Parklands and shall be managed by the Treasurer, who should have experience relevant to the role.
- The Treasurer shall arrange for a suitably qualified person to audit / check the accounts at the end of each financial year (31st March).
- The Groups accounts shall be made available to members and posted on the web-site.
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- An Annual General Meeting of members to be held each calendar year
- The election or re-election of the Committee will be an agenda item of all Annual General Meetings.
- Any proposed changes to the constitution shall be advised to the secretary 14 days before the meeting. Any changes are to be proposed and seconded before a vote is taken.
- The secretary to advise members the date and agenda of the AGM 28 days before the meeting is held, by email, or posting on the web-site.
Special General Meeting (SGM)
A meeting will be held at anytime if requested in writing to the Secretary by a minimum of 5 members of the Group. The secretary is also to be provided with details of the issues to be discussed for circulation to the membership
Rules and Procedures at all Meetings
- Members shall at all times conduct themselves in a reasonable manner, and will be excluded if they contravene the aims and bring The Group into disrepute. Exclusion will be by a majority vote of those present.
- All decisions arising from agenda items (excluding amendments to the constitution and dissolution) shall be decided by a majority of votes by those entitled to vote.
- Only members present may vote, and each member has one vote. In the event of a tie, the Chairman has a second casting vote.
Minutes of Meetings.
Copies of all Committee Meetings, Annual General Meetings (AGM) and Special General Meetings (SGM) will be kept by the secretary.
- No Committee Meetings shall take place if less than 4 persons are present.
- No AGM or SGM shall take place if less than 20% of the total number of members entitled to vote are present
Changes to Constitution
- The constitution can only be altered at an AGM or SGM called formally for that purpose.
- Changes to the constitution must be agreed by two thirds of the members present.
- Any suggested changes must be made in writing to the secretary 14 days before the meeting.
- The Group can only be dissolved at a SGM called formally for that purpose, and must be advertised 14 days before the meeting.
- A proposal to dissolve the Group shall only take effect if agreed by two thirds of the members present.
- Any property or funds remaining after all debts and liabilities have been settled shall be donated to other Friends Groups in the Upminster area.
- Minutes of the final meeting must be sent to all Group members.
Roles of Committee members
- To chair meetings of the committee and General Meetings (GM) of the Group.
- To arrange insurance to cover for the Working Parties.
- To deputise for the Chairman in his/her absence
- To be the contact point for members questions, complaints, suggestions, etc.
- To consult with the Group and/or Committee (usually by email) when deemed appropriate
- To liaise with Havering Parks Services
- To keep members informed via email, Facebook and/or the website
- To take minutes of the Committee meetings and General meetings and post a summary for the website
- To keep a record of all income and expenditure of the Group
- To post an annual summary for the website of the checked account.
- To maintain a list of all Group members
- To collect the annual subscription from each member
Working Party Organiser
- To arrange regular (normally monthly) Working Parties
IT co-ordinator
- To maintain the Group's website and Facebook page